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A webmaster profile is the only way to maintain your pay-sites at and It's the key to requesting reviews, submitting member passes, submitting new sites, communicating with users (who review your site), talking directly to the reviewers (before/after your review), and much more.
Creating a profile is easy and only takes a few minutes. BTW, you may already have a profile and not know it yet. See the next question below.
Yes, each company has a default profile that was setup. The profile was created using the e-mail address we have on file for your company. An e-mail was sent with your profile password (username is e-mail address) on Aug 13th or when your company was created (if after that date).
If you don't have that e-mail, you can try to retrieve your password. If you don't know the e-mail address we have on file, you can create a new profile fairly quickly.
Yes, the profile at PornUsers will work from now on at You do not need to create a new profile.
If your site currently isn't listed (or reviewed) with, please read our site guidelines here to see if you qualify or not.
If you've read the guidelines and your site does qualify, do a search (at left column of this page) to be sure it's not already listed.
If you site is still not listed and it qualifies, the next step is to create a profile and submit your sites. After that, you'll be able to submit your sites for review if you desire.
If you wish to disable your account, you can do so from the edit profile page. This will guarantee you will not receive any e-mail notifications or have your profile displayed publicly for others to see.
We do not delete profiles from our systems completely for logging purposes.
Yes, but only one profile is allowed per person. If you have other staff you want a profile for, have them create a new profile.
New profiles are given limited access to important company function until granted full access by the primary company profile.
The primary company profile can log-in to upgrade your permission status. If that's not possible for some reason, you can create a support ticket and we can upgrade your status.
When logged-in, near the top of the page you should see a `"Sites`" link. Click that link, and at the bottom of the page you'll see a link Add New Sites.
We're always here to help with any questions you have. There are a number of ways to contact us: