- Is content updated?: Yes
- Last Content Update: 06/02/2015
- A photo gallery or video added every 2-3 days. Most updates are videos.
Bikini Riot presents a wide selection of super hot pornstars in some of the hottest bikini's you could imagine, getting wet and performing sexy striptease for you. These skimpy swimsuits certainly won't leave much to the imagination.
Our Price:
(recurring)Who doesn't love a babe in a bikini? Bikini Riot features girls in the skimpiest bikinis around, wet from the pool, posing and masturbating in sexy, exclusive scenes. The collection has been around more than a decade and has grown to include several hundred scenes, including plenty of HD, at a price of $25 a month.
Bikini Riot features an exclusive collection of hot models in sexy solo bikini scenes. These girls wear the tiniest micro bikinis you can imagine, and just when you think you've seen it all, they peel off their wet suits and get fully nude. They tease and masturbate, and from time to time they will include a girlfriend. It's a hot softcore collection you won't find anywhere else.
The latest scenes look beautiful. The wmvs and mp4s play at 3000k-4000k and are 1280x720 in size. They're really sharp and just great to look at. The photos are also good-sized (2000x1333) and high quality. This is a really professional-looking collection.
With fourteen years online, Bikini Riot has built a solid collection. There are currently 684 videos and 460 galleries online, featuring 116 models. That's an impressive set of scenes, particularly for a site with exclusive niche content like this.
Photos can be downloaded in zip files.
Videos can be downloaded as wmvs in two quality settings and as an mp4 in three quality settings. There's also a Flash stream for those who prefer.
Each scene has a short description and the models have biographies. It's nice to know who and what you're looking at!
Members get access to two bonus sites, with lots more exclusive hot models to enjoy.
The model index and dated photo and video pages were a good start, but it's not enough for a collection this large. Additional sort tools and an advanced search would be welcome additions for this site.
Bikini Riot has been online for 14 years, so it's understandable that content quality varies. About a third of the collection maxes out at 640 x 480. The scenes still look good overall, but keep in mind it's not all high definition.
Bikini Riot is a sexy softcore collection with some high quality scenes. They've done a fairly good job of keeping up with the times, on this long-running exclusive site, by upgrading the viewing options and content quality over the years. I'd still like to see a more advanced site design and greater proportion of high definition videos, however. The cost is reasonable, at $25 a month, with access to two bonus sites, making for an overall good join for fans of hot bikini babes.